Monday, February 9, 2009

Welcome Frosty!

Glad you want to join us on our mission to exercise 5 days a week this month. Two of my children were so excited to see that Frosty The Snowman joined Mom's blog. Son #2 informed son #1 that you were exercising in the Artic. You are already bringing excitement and wonder to the group. Keep us posted. (I suppose if they ask me again I will tell them who you really are.) Cutie Pie is working hard to get her whole family and bridal party in this club. She is quite the recruiter!

Today is day 2 of week 2. Tell us what you did.


  1. Ok, got my butt out of bed at 6:45 and hit the gym. Got in 45 minutes of cardio before I needed to be home. I already feel better. My mom is also going to join us, she just clearance from her foot dr. after her surgery.

  2. I did my aerobics class last night and felt gross afterwards since my hair felt like it was even sweating but I felt physically good. This morning I met my coworker at the gym and we did 30 min of weight machines.

  3. We went for that run! It was really great to get outside for exercise and not just play time as a whole family. Thus far, exercise has been a divide and conquer task for my household. I hope we can do it more.

  4. Well, today was a bust for me. I had such great intentions, but a little computer virus got in the way. My laptop wacked out. I have spent the last 6 hours on the phone with Dell. Needless to say that a virus took over my laptop, all my stuff is lost and it's still not fixed. I cried a lot to the Dell guy since all of my work is on there. He's calling me back tomorrow night to work on it some more. SO, unless you call pacing around my house working out, then it's a no go for today. I hope to get back on track tomorrow.

  5. Sleep is over rated! I did my 30 min at 10pm tonight. I'm looking forward to going to the Y tomorrow and working out during a more normal hour.

    Sorry about your computer Cutie Pie. That is no fun.

  6. I did 45 min. of Wii Fit today. I did not get anything else done that I needed to today, but I did get some exercise! This is really making me stick to it and I have more energy!
