Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Things were working against me the past two days. Yesterday I worked early, left the house at 5:30am and got home around 8. I was going to just pop in my Tae-bo video - when I realized how long it has been since I used it because it is a VHS tape and we don't even have a VCR anymore. So I gave in and didn't exercise yesterday - guess I'll take it as a rest day.

    Today I got out of bed early (yay!) to go to a class at 24hr fitness. When I got there they said my membership had been terminated because I hadn't been in so long (again, continual reminders of how long it has been since I have done any exercise). Luckily they let me take my class and are supposed to get back with me about possibly getting a new membership. I'm mad at them and myself because I paid a bazillion dollars when I started the membership and now only pay $50 a year. Lifetime also just sent a membership in the mail, so maybe I'll look at that too.

    Blah for roadblocks, and these next couple of days will be a challenge as I am working three days in a row 3pm - 3am.

    Let's go girls!
    -The Snow(wo)man

  2. I squeezed in my 30 minutes. Even with the illnesses going through the house, I am proud of myself for going.

  3. Great job girls! I love that everyone is pushing through the road blocks because life is full of them. Keep it up.

    As for me, I went to the Y and walked at a decent hour today. Boy, I'm I tired this afternoon from my late night walking. Glad I don't have to think about anymore until tomorrow.

  4. I'm trying to get back on track, since I haven't been able to work out for over a week. The only exercise I have been able to do is my weights. So today when I got home from work I took my dog, Cosmo, for a 20 minute walk. He loved it, it had been awhile and he had lots of territory to sniff. I came home from the walk and did 20 minutes with my weights. If the weather is good I'm going to try and start walking on my lunch hour. I did this last year and I felt great. Hope everyone had a great wed. and thurs will be even greater.

  5. I did Wii Fit for 50 min. today while the baby was sleeping.

  6. Wow! I am so proud of everyone. Frosty, Lifetime is WONDERFUL!!! We would belong if it was a little closer to us. One day...

    Well, I knew that today was going to be non stop; work, 2nd work and then deal with my computer. So... I got up early this morning and did weights and step. I couldn't believe it. I DO NOT get up early!

    Computer is finally fixed! It took another 2 1/2 hours tonight, but it's finally cleaned up. It's amazing what they can do. This girl just took charge of my computer the whole time and did everything. So cool!

    I plan to go walking tomorrow with Brooke and Ava, before we eat pizza. At least we're walking, right?? :)
