Thursday, February 26, 2009

Busy, Busy

Today is one of those days where I wish I had Five more hours. I'm trying to get too many things done. I think today will end up being an exercise day off for me.

I did buy new running shoes today--Not that I plan on actually running ;) I was excited. I had intended to get them before we started the month. Somehow February flew by in a flash. So Hot Honey came home early today and I went out by myself. Yipee! Bad news is my feet are bigger. Not Yipee. Who wants big feet?! I went up another half size after having this 4th baby!

I have giant feet, but he is worth it. I have giant feet, but he is worth it. He is worth it. He is worth it. I'm going to keep saying this until I believe it. Hope that happens soon.

Other exciting news....Mama Chick wrote the feature for tomorrow. So come back and read it. I think we can all relate.

Have a wonderful Thursday evening.


  1. I'm with you on the busy day. I just got home and still have to cook for a lunch tomorrow!

    Today is a day off for me as well.

    Child 4 is worth it and you are beautiful Hot Mama!

    Can't wait to read tomorrows post!

  2. Baby #4 is always worth it. My shoe size is now 11.

    I got in my morning workout and then did wii Fit while baby#4 was sleeping this morning.
