Thursday, February 5, 2009

Letter From Hip Mamasita


I have walked home 3 days in a row. I plan to do it again today. I am
sooo out of shape that it takes me about 26 minutes. The route I take is just under a mile.
In the good old days I could do it in less than 15 minutes. Well, these aren't the good old days. It is the present and man am I out of shape.

Day One everything hurt from the very first step onto the pavement all the way
to the front door. Yesterday Day 3, it wasn't intense pain and I made it a couple of
blocks before I was hyper aware.

Now, for the the end of my journey I arrive home. Yipee!! For those of you who do not work in the teaching profession with high-school special education students you have NO IDEA how wonderful it feels to arrive home at the end of a fun-filled-challenging day. But now I can say I EXERCISED and that is a good thing. Thank you Hot Mama for getting this adventure underway!

Oh, PS.. I haven't been able to do the POSTING part or Comment part or
attach a picture to my profile. Eventually I hope I can figure it or my MAC out....I have loved reading what the gogirls have said this week.

Hot Mamasita


  1. I am really proud of you Hot Mamasita! I know that walk and I've never braved it. Keep up the good work. That's a great way of mixing exercise into your day!

  2. Totally fun getting your letter to the Go Girls in my email. You can email anytime. Keep up the great job. Love you.
