Monday, April 27, 2009

April's Ending

I didn't realize that I never typed my Friday post. I'm such a slacker.

As we are drawing end to another month I have an honest question, and I'm looking for an honest answer. Do we want to keep doing this?

Our group as dwindled each month. We have gotten fewer comments from our fellow Go Girls and I can look at the traffic meter and tell that only one or two people are looking some days. This is ok with me. It is what it is.

But where do we go now? If someone would like me to keep posting because it motivates them, let me know. I Can work harder at making it daily or if it is just a couple of us maybe we just do it weekly. I'm not sure what I want to do. That's why I would love to hear from anyone who wants it to keep going. Please don't feel sorry for the blog and say keep it up, if that is not what you feel. I only want to fill a need. And at this time I think we need to redefine the Go Girl needs. April has been different than Feb.


  1. I am up for anything. I have enjoyed it and post regularly but I have no other communication with adults, so I may not be a good indicator of what people want. I know you are busy with the boys and VBS and this may just be one more thing to do.
    I worked out this morning, doing 50 minutes of plain old cardio exercise.

  2. I get were you're coming from sweetie. It seems to be about 3 of us who are consistent with this. I totally appreciate your posts and inspiration, I actually look forward to them each day. But, on the other hand, I know that you have a lot going on. I think that's a decision that you will have to make. I want to continue to work out either way. I would be cool with a modified version, or whatever you feel comfortable with. I love you and love the commentment that you've put into this Blog. Thank you!

    Today, I did 30 min of Cardio. Had to nix the walking thing due to the incredible rain storm :)

  3. Went to the Y today. It was very hard to get going on the treadmill. 16min in the power went off. It only lasted a minute or two, but it was even harder to start back again. Pushed through and made it another 29min. I wasn't going a second over 45min. today!

  4. I love your post and enjoy reading everyone's comments. I haven't been good at posting lately but have been reading the others.

    Whatever you decide is fine with me. I know you have alot on your plate and appreciate all you have put into this blog.

    I didn't make my 5 days last week but I do exercise as much as I can. Seems last week too many other things were going on.

    Hopefully today I can get on the treadmill or something, had dinner with friends last night and was trying to get thru all the bad weather.

  5. I am one of those who have fallen away. I think of looking in on everyone's progress often. The key word is THINK! I hope a lack of logging in has not deterred you from continuing something you have a passion for. Your words are motivating. I personally have not commented often because I have yet to fulfill the group's 5 day a week commitment. No matter what you decide to do as far as the future of the blog, you have motivated a whole community of women. Thank you!
