Thursday, September 3, 2009

Getting Back On Schedule

We are beginning to get more routine to our weeks. Next week will still be a little messed up with Monday being a Holiday and returning from a trip with a mountain of stuff to unpack, wash and put away. But yesterday I met Hot Stuff at our new remodeled YMCA. I got a copy of their workout schedule. Next week I will try two classes. Wednesday is Begin and Spin and Friday is BalleTone. Not sure what other exercise I have planned. As for now I feel good knowing that two days are scheduled with exercise.

I totally don't know what BalleTone is about. I'm trying to look at it as an exciting adventure. Yikes. I don't really like adventure. Stop thinking--just do.

Hope some of you out there are planning adventure as well.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I gotta replica IWCget with IWCthe program replica IWCagain. I have procrastinated replica IWClong enough. If it counts, I think about working out every day. I have not gotten up early to go to the gym in weeks. So, IWCwhat can I do to boost my motivation? Looking in the mirror replica IWCshould be replica watchenough and yet it's not. It replica watchalmost makes me just want to sit down and eat replica watchsome chocolate.
