Friday, May 29, 2009

Absent & Busy

Today is the first time I've clicked on the blog since my last post on the 12th. I really wanted to be able to do it all. I thought I could do it all. But I'm not. Because I haven't been able to do this blog the way I wanted to, I just avoided it.

Then this morning I decided to try on a pair of capri pants and see if I was closer to fitting into them. Hot Diggity! I got them buttoned. Still not attractive to have a muffin top stick'n out of them, but they are buttoned.

I've been waiting and working out for months to get these to button. What a good feeling! These are the results I like and need. I guess I will keep plugging away and see what fits in another 4 months.


I love that some of you are still reporting in, in spite of my absence. Way to go girls! There is a good chance I will be absent awhile longer while I frantically finish up VBS and the boys school. But I will come back!


  1. I am back to jogging... some times. It really is the only exercise I enjoy so why fight it? I ran 3.5 miles over Labor Day weekend with cousins. That was fun & hilly (@ least by my standards). I ran 2 miles Saturday to get the kids out of Daddy's hair. Today I went to meet for a play-date @ Memorial park & got there early so I ran 2.5 miles before playing with the kids. It isn't 5 das a week yet. I will let you know how it goes.

  2. Julie, I'm so proud of you! It is your true love and you can hear it pouring out of the words that you wrote. Awesome!

    And Hot Mama, so proud of you too. Way to go for fitting into stuff. Keep it up!

    Today I got my lazy pregnant bootie off the couch and did walking and weights. I do feel btter and tired :)

  3. I took all of last week off, but hit it again yesterday. Got in 50 minutes of cardio and abs. I'm off to the gym in a couple of minutes as well.
    Hopefully, I can keep up with this now that the kids are out for the summer and not in their normal routine.

  4. Walked the neighborhood this morning with arm weights in tow. It was so humid and the mosquitos were so bad that I don't think I will be doing that again until the fall.

  5. I've been on vacation this past week so hopefully I can get back into some kind of workout program monday. Although we did walk alot on our trip. But I don't think I walked enough to cover what all I ate. It was nice being off work though, I needed it alot.

  6. This heat is terrible and this baby growing in me make me want to do nothing but sit. I know that I HAVE to get in a routine of some sort again. I just need to find the right thing. I used to love to walk, that was my favorite, but it's just too hot now. I'll figure it out!

  7. OK, so I guess posting actually made me get up off the couch. I did 30 min of Wii today. At least I got moving.

  8. Yeah for baby growing! I got in 3 workouts this week. Even tried Power Step at the gym yesterday. I agree with the heat factor, makes you sluggish and it is just too darn hot to do much but swim.
