Sunday, May 3, 2009

All Aboard!

This is the fourth month of our little plan. This is also the most consistent I've been since becoming a mom. I dare say, it might be getting a little easier. keep your eye on little.

I also think it would be easy to miss a few days and have those turn into a few weeks, a few months, a few years. So I'm staying on track and pretending to be the Little Engine. "I think I can, I think I can..." Let's see where this train goes.


  1. 30 min of the Wii today. Like the sucker that I am, I bought the Gold's Gym Wii game at Target. $20. It was pretty cool. Wouldn't do it everyday, but pretty cool. Did a boxing routine, pretty good workout.

  2. Took Cosmo for a 30 minute walk, yesterday did my weights.

  3. Did treadmill for 40 minutes today at the Y and some strength exercises. Then I decided to do another 20 minutes on the elliptical.

    Gold's Gym Wii game? I never look at that stuff. Maybe you should write a little review for later this week. Tell us if it is worth $20. I want to know if it makes you hurt the next day?
